My Photography
Photography is my element. When I have a camera in my hand I feel at home regardless of where I am. I find it exhilarating when I am able to capture an event in utter perfection of pixels that can be shared to my community. I have always wanted to use my passion as a tool to change the world. Until I become a world-renowned photographer, I practice my skills and show my passion by photographing every event I attend. Photos summarize thousands of words in just one snapshot that can make a person feel as if they were there. It was difficult having to only pick a few dozen photos from the hundreds I have taken over the years. Below are a few galleries of my best photos from places I have been, events I have attended, and sports that my community and I love.
I make sure to bring my camera to all sports events so I can share my photos for social media and newspaper use. My favorite sport to photograph is alpine skiing because numerous people are astounded when they see that Wyoming people are more than just cowboy boots and hats. I wish I can put into words the feeling I get seeing an athlete's face light up when they see themselves in action. Photos speak louder than words - they scream.
Apart from sports, our school has many other events and clubs that I like to attend. Our school's drama club goes unseen in my school community. I feel honored to be able to put a spotlight on my local actors and help them gain the recognition they deserve. I enjoy capturing the candid joy of my peers at school events as well. These split-second moments go unseen by the busy environment of our lives, so capturing those moments allows people to stop and enjoy what they could have missed in the breathtaking aesthetic of photography.
These photos are of activists and everyday people. These photos show a side to people that goes unseen. The quiet kid in class walking out of school to stand in silence for the lost lives of seventeen students, a Texan man who hitchhiked to DC to protest for the rest of his life, a humble construction worker whose eyes glimmer when he talks about building, and my fifth grade teacher tearing as he protests arming teachers by sharing a story of his cousin who lost his life in a school shooting. These people have a voice that could go unheard if they were not documented. I love being part of preserving history and lives.
This gallery is just a small collection of my favorite photos. I connect with these photos because I feel they show the beauty of the places I have been, where I live, and of my friends. These photos aren't all journalistic, but they are very much me. They show why I fell in love with Washington DC this summer; the sunsets were breathtaking, they show my favorite place I have traveled as a bus passed by me in Ireland, they show the way a photo can enhance the natural beauty of my friends, and lastly they show the beautiful scenery of the place I call home.

Jakoby Vipperman hits a gate Friday January 12th in Laramie during the slalom alpine ski race
Natalie Call cheers for a touch down Friday during the home football game against Powell.
CHS students stand in silence front of Cody High School to honor the lives lost in the Parkland Shooting.
A rale bus passes by in Dublin Ireland March 30th.