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As a producer of CHS Wired I have many responsibilities which include: deciding deadline dates, conducting class brainstorming, editing scripts and leads, approving stories, teaching students how to use equipment, and general on the floor assistance. Being a leader is a difficult task, I struggle every go around to complete my personal news story while having to share my time helping my fellow students as well. I enjoy the challenge because it pushes me to complete my stories under pressure, and I am proud to know I am able to help every individual story be complete for the show. As a leader I try to make myself approachable and friendly; I know broadcast can be difficult and if a new reporter does feel comfortable asking their leadership for help they will struggle. I feel I am a leader who is trusted by my peers which reflects the quality of the show. If any leadership is weak, the entire class will not be connected which will effect the show. Through my leadership style my peers feel comfortable to ask me for help and I too can get help from others as well. I am a leader but I am also a team player.


As a producer of CHS Wired, I have many responsibilities which include: deciding deadline dates, conducting class brainstorming, editing scripts and leads, approving stories, teaching students how to use equipment, and general on the floor assistance. Being a leader is a difficult task, I struggle every go around to complete my personal news story while having to share my time helping my fellow students as well. I enjoy the challenge because it pushes me to complete my stories under pressure, and I am proud to know I am able to help every individual story be complete for the show. As a leader I try to make myself approachable and friendly; I know broadcast can be difficult and if a new reporter does feel comfortable asking their leadership for help they will struggle. I feel I am a leader who is trusted by my peers which reflects the quality of the show. If any leadership is weak, the entire class will not be connected which will affect the show. Through my leadership style, my peers feel comfortable to ask me for help and I too can get help from others as well. I am a leader but I am also a team player.


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At the beginning of every show cycle, I will conduct a class brainstorming session. The class will share possible story ideas and I will write them down on the board in the classroom. From there people will put their names by the story they want to cover. I will come back later and write down the stories and the reporter on our class website. 

On another board in the studio, I will write down the stories and the reporters next to it. As the stories are completed I write down the length of the stories and the order they will go into the show as. 


Pictured Amy Creech (left), and me (right).

During the first week of class, I will go around and individually help the new students learn how to use the equipment. Here I am helping a student set up a mock interview to practice for her future interviews. 


Pictured Tyler Curafta (left), and me (right)

Every day I am the go-to person on the floor in the studio. Every day students come to me with questions and assistance. Here I am helping a fellow student solve an editing issue with his story. 

Even outside of the classroom I will help students who are struggling with filming issues. Here a reporter who was out shooting and could not get her camera to turn on, she contacted me to help her troubleshoot the problem. 

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CHS wired has three reflection forms. One before the reporter has started his/her story, while the reporter is working on it, and after. These forms have strict deadlines; I will make announcements the day the forms are due and make sure my classmates complete them before class is over. 

Before the show is put online I will watch it the night before to make sure there are no errors. If there are, I put down what the error is and where it is at in the show. Then I will go back and help edit where the mistakes were made the morning of the show. 

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