As a child, I always felt I was destined to change the world. I thought the only way I could do so was by becoming a world-renowned doctor who finds a cure for cancer, saves lives daily, and changes them too. The only problem with my destiny is - I am not cut out to be a doctor- broken bones make me squirm and blood makes me nauseous. What I am cut out to be is a journalist. I found that with a camera I can change the world in a way that fits me best. A picture says a thousand words without using a single one, reaches thousands of people as if they took the photo, and touches thousands of hearts.
Currently, I am not changing the minds of people on national levels, but I am changing my small community of Cody, WY. As a producer of CHS Wired, my schools bi-monthly broadcast production, I have the capability to influence my peers and community. I could use my influential power to manipulate my viewers by pushing my own agenda. Instead, I use this power to benefit my viewers. I cover news in unbiased was to inform my community, I teach my peers to produce news story that does not push their views, and I select the best pieces for my school's production. When it comes to deciding what stories will enter the show I will put aside my emotions and select pieces that report accurate and ethical news. As a producer I go over every reporter's script and suggest ways for the reporters to make the story as factual as possible. I also encourage reporters to cover stories that they do not have an opinion on to reduce chances of biased news. When it comes to my own pieces I determine if there are two sides to the story. When this occurs, I do extensive research into both sides and select individuals of differing opinions interview. Being a producer means guiding reporters to produce a show that is geared to educate my school not to corrupt it.
I believe news can make or break a community. Many people lack news literacy skills so they are quick to believe the first article that crosses their news feed. Today journalist is able to tell communities what to think with a single headline. If the news is created for the purpose of pushing an individual's view, the public will lose the ability to form its own opinion. They will fall into the deep hole of ignorance which allows despotic governments or groups to gain control. News that is produced for the purpose of covering facts will strengthen a community. The community will strengthen because factual news allows citizens to form their own opinion on subjects, making them strong-minded individuals immune to ignorance. Through my journalistic pieces, I try to strengthen the minds of my peers; teenagers are finding who they are and it is important for them to learn how to think for themselves on political and local issues. Last year many students were unaware of a potential gun policy being discussed among the school board. The policy would allow teachers to conceal carry on campus, students either had no idea about the policy or heard about it from their parents. The students who heard of the policy through their parents generally mirrored their parent's views. I wanted to cover the policy in an unbiased way to allow students to form their own opinion regardless of what their friends and family thought. It is common for teens to agree with their family, teachers, and peers; I create news that strengthens the minds of my peers to help them become independent individuals.
Throughout my high school career, I have developed a love for photography and writing which has led me to find my new destiny: to change the world through journalism. I am not reporting for National Geographic or The Washington Post, but until then, I practice my morals of spreading unbiased news in my community. I hope to have left a positive impact on my fellow reporters to produce news for the benefit of the community, I hope the shows I have helped make have left impressions on my school, and lastly I hope my own stories have helped changed or solidified the opinions of my community. Until I change thousands of lives I plan to changed dozens of lives in my community.